February 17, 2023

Poland's GDP grew by 4.9 % in 2022, the Central Statistical Office (GUS) reported in late January. In light of the situation, growth declined relatively little compared to the 6.8 % expansion in the post-pandemic rebound in

July 29, 2022

Even though Poland was one of the poorest countries in Europe during the socialist era, it has been achieving high growth through capitalist reform. Marcin Piatkowski in his 2018 book Europe’s Growth Champion, stated that “it is Poland

June 13, 2022

According to a report by UNCTAD, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, FDI inflow was very good for Poland last year. Advancing from 19th to 17th place, Poland is compared to Australia and Japan in

November 26, 2021

Reuters: The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development reports that the Polish economy is expected to grow by 5% in 2021 and 2022. Poland still remains in a strong position despite the changes in the market resulting