April 30, 2021

The biggest tech job fair in northern Poland will be held online this year. On the 25th and 26th of May, Future3 participants will be offered current job offers and internships in companies from the IT industry,

April 20, 2021

Finally, it happened, our project officially launched! And it was announced at Collision – the event called „the Olympics of tech” is the most appropriate place to do it! Winged IT, the creators of doITinPoland, is Collison’s

April 4, 2021

Last month, the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland amended the “Program for supporting investments of significant importance to the Polish economy for the years 2011-2030” that had been previously introduced in 2011. The program

March 29, 2021

t3n, a German magazine of the digital economy that informs about the latest trends in the digital industry, has recently published the article “Silicon Polska - the tech hotspot in the European neighborhood (Silicon Polska – der